Robert (Bob) R. Newell

Robert (Bob) R. Newell


Robert “Bob” Newell is a senior executive with extensive
experience impacting the visibility, profitability, and
performance of diverse organizations – specifically in
the telecommunication, publishing, and media industries.
A pragmatic leader and new business synergist, Bob has
led mergers and acquisitions to profitable conclusions
through sales optimization, resource management, and
revenue generations.

As Vice President/Director of Marketing at TV Data, a Scripps
Howard Division, Bob played a key role in the acquisition and
integration of TV Data’s three largest competitors. When fully
realized, TV Data serviced 89% of the North American daily
newspaper trade and every major cable Multiple System Operator.
Accepting the position of President and Chief Operating Officer
at TV Listing in 1990, he led the initiative to merge with TV
Data, and successfully achieved this goal in two years.

Bob has national and international experience, including the
start-up of three new organizations. Canadian company, Phasecom
Systems, a Mastec Division, recruited Bob in 1996 where he led
the company to expand to five locations producing over $21M
annual revenue with an EBITDA of over 18%. In 2000, Bob joined
180 Connect, based in Canada, as Co-Founder and Chief Operating
Officer and Chief Business Development Officer. Orchestrating
the acquisition of three companies, one of which was the $200M
bankrupt public company – Viasource, 180 Connect was billing over
$350M annually with over 4000 field technicians and 85 offices.
With Bob’s leadership, 180 Connect grew into the largest cable
and satellite fulfillment company in North America. The third
venture, Dependable HomeTech, grew to four locations and
billed over $850K monthly within one year.

Bob has served in various senior level management positions
for both private and public companies, including: Partner, Chief
Operating Officer, Chief Business Development Officer, President,
Senior Vice President – U.S. Operations, and Vice President –
Business Development. His drive, initiative, and extensive
experience bring a proven track record of success to Greenfield
start-ups, business expansion, M&A, and turnaround opportunities.